St. Thomas
High School (also known as St. Thomas Academy) was also a
parochial high school which began serving the South
Memphis area in 1944 when it opened as St. Thomas Parish
under the direction of the Sisters of Notre Dame of
Cleveland, Ohio. The parish of St. Thomas had begun in
1905 and was named in honor of the Bishop of Nashville
at that time, Thomas Sebastian Byrne. An elementary
school opened in the parish in 1907, and in 1944 a high
school program was added. It was coeducational for one
year. Then, in 1945, the boys were sent to Catholic High
School for Boys on Central Avenue at Roselle. St. Thomas
High School then became an all girls school. They
continued to operate St. Thomas until its closing in
1965. The south Memphis area was left once more, without
the availability of Catholic parochial high school
Since the 1940s,
the Whitehaven area, south of Memphis, had been steadily
increasing in Catholic population. St. Paul Parish had
been erected in 1945 to accommodate this growth and had
started an elementary school on its grounds in 1949.
Father Edwin Cleary, pastor of St. Paul's in the 1960's,
envisioned a coeducational high school in the Whitehaven
area, which, up until then, left little opportunity for
its Catholic students to attend Catholic secondary
schools if they could not travel the distance to those
schools in Memphis. The closing of St. Thomas High
School in south Memphis in 1965 made those possibilities
even more remote. Father Cleary, however, had put into
action his dream of a Catholic High School for the
Whitehaven area.
Already burdened with the financial strain of building a
new church for his parish, he extended his goals to
include a spacious convent for teaching Sisters and a
full-facility high school with a capacity of 1,000
students. Bishop William
Adrian had given him permission to proceed with
the project, especially in light of the promises of
large donations Father Cleary was promised from a potential
benefactor, the Medders Family. However, the project was
well under way when the promise of those funds
disappeared- along with the members of the Medders
family. Later that year the Medders family was
captured and arrested in Texas and charged with several
counts of fraud (READ
READ LIFE MAGAZINE ARTICLE) , leaving the new school with a large
building debt. That debt was quickly passed off to the new
Diocese of Memphis beginning in 1971 and became a black
eye for the Diocese that it never recovered from. The school was to
to cost $1,250,000 but was closer to 2 million dollars
by the time it was completed. -and the roof leaked
from day one.
The blue prints for
the new plan erected in 1965 bear the name of St. Thomas
High School. It was only prior to opening that the name
was changed. The new plan was named "Bishop Byrne High
School," commemorating the founder who, as
administrator, scholar and builder, gave form to a
vision of education that 68 years after his death
continues to serve the students and families of Memphis.

The new school
opened in the fall of 1965 with the name Bishop Byrne
High School, honoring once again the man who
commissioned St. Thomas Church and its elementary
school, Bishop Thomas Sebastian Byrne. He was surely one
of West Tennessee's most significant persons in the
history of its Catholic schools.
Father Thomas Cashin,
a priest of the Diocese of Nashville (and a Memphian)
was the first principal of Bishop Byrne. With him were
the Saint Cecilia Dominican Sisters of Nashville, for
whom Father Cashin had recently been the chaplain of
their motherhouse in Nashville. These same Sisters
staffed and administered St. Paul Grade School.
Successors to
Father Cashin have been Monsignor Paul Morris, Monsignor
James Hitchcock, Father Joseph Umphries, Mr. Robert
Strausser and Mr. Dan Wortham, the first lay
co-principals of Bishop Byrne and lead administrators
when the mighty class of 1978 graduated. The class
of 1978 was arguably the greatest graduating class in
the history of Bishop Byrne High School. Sister Jean
Marie Warner, O.P. was the first woman religious
principal of Bishop Byrne. (Sister Mary Philip Penney,
O.P. and Sister Joan Marie Ligon, O.P. were interim
principals.) Sister Jean Marie was succeeded by Mrs.
Neddy R. Brookshaw in 1995, Mr. Albert Langston, Jr. in
2000 and Dr. Donald Edwards in 2003. 2010 saw the
reintroduction of Clyde Israel and the new principal.
"Coach" as he is more commonly referred to as came to
BBHS by way of Memphis Catholic High School. Mr.
Israel was a Football coach and faculty member here at
BBHS in the late 70's and 80's before he moved to MCHS. The 21 faculty
members include three Dominican Sisters of Saint
Cecilia's in Nashville and lay teachers. The school is
accredited by the Southern Association of Secondary
Colleges and Schools.
The 285 member
student body comes from Memphis, eastern Arkansas and
northern Mississippi, particularly from St. Paul School
in Memphis, Sacred Heart Grade School in Walls,
Mississippi and Holy Family School in Holly Springs,
During the 1986-87
school year the Program for Academic and Educational
Vocational Education (P.A.V.E.) was added for graduates
of Madonna Day School located at St. James Church in
Memphis. Madonna Day School is a special education
school operated in the Diocese of Memphis by the
Benedictine Sisters of Ferdninand, Indiana. The program
allowed their graduates to continue their education in a
high school setting. Between 10 and 20 students from
Madonna Day School enrolled in P.A.V.E. which has since
been discontinued.
In 1990, Bishop
Byrne added grades seven and eight and began the Middle
School, following diocesan plans. Bishop Byrne piloted
the middle school program which was added later to
Memphis Catholic and Immaculate Conception High Schools.
In 1993, Bishop Byrne Middle and High School became the
first private secondary school to be designated as a
Professional Development School for the University of
Memphis. As a Professional Development School, the
faculty of Bishop Byrne serve as clinical professors in
the College of Education and are involved in the
training of pre-service teachers.
In 2013 the "powers that be" at the diocesan office in
Memphis made the difficult decision to close Bishop
Byrne Middle and High School at the end of the 1012-2013
school year and attempt to merge it's student population
with the academically inferior Memphis Catholic Middle
and High School in Midtown.
UPDATE- 2019
CDOM has announced that Memphis Catholic Middle & High
School will close this year along with several other
Catholic schools in the diocese. The Bishop Byrne
memorabilia displayed at Memphis Catholic will be
relocated to St. Paul School (where we wanted it to go
in the first place) |